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Congress mulls $400 Billion tax break for corporations

You might have thought it was bad enough that some U.S. multinational corporations are dodging $600 billion in taxes by hiding their profits overseas.

Now some in Congress want to let these corporate tax dodgers off the hook -- permanently -- for $400 billion and make it easier for them to avoid paying what they should moving forward. That's not fair to you, me or other businesses.

Our stories: why nutrition assistance matters

As part of a national campaign to protect and defend the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in Congress, Fair Share collected stories from our members across the country about what SNAP has meant in their lives. We heard from veterans, teachers, single moms struggling to stave off homelessness and middle class families who were saved from poverty because of the nutrition assistance program. Here, in capsule form, are three of their stories.

We used food stamps to keep going

In 1970, Jack Duggan of Jacksonville, Ore., was returning from the war in Vietnam.

Every kid deserves a strong start

"Eighty percent of a child's brain is developed by age 3, and kids born into punishing environments, who aren't talked to and read to, are 18 months behind their peers by age 4," wrote Daily Beast reporter Eleanor Clift. [1]

There's a need across the country for better access to quality education: Sign the petition to help give every kid a strong start.

We believe every child deserves a fair chance in life, and this begins with quality, early education.

That's why we are pushing for legislation that would give every 4-year-old in America the opportunity to attend preschool.


Report: Childhood hunger is growing in Suburbs

Childhood hunger has changed. Hunger is no longer strictly an urban and rural phenomenon. It affects nearly every American community. This includes communities that might otherwise think child hunger is a problem that happens ‘somewhere else.’ Our perceptions have to change -- and with our perceptions, our policies.

Fair Share Education Fund released Childhood Hunger in America’s Suburbs: The Changing Geography of Poverty, a new report detailing the changing geography of childhood hunger at a time of growing suburban poverty. View the full report, here.

The report measured the number of

Mass. State Legislature Holds Hearing on Bill to Close Tax Loophole

On Tuesday, June 9 a public hearing was held before the Joint Committee on Revenue regarding a measure that would close the “water’s edge” loophole. This tax loophole allows companies to avoid taxes they would otherwise owe by shifting profits to offshore tax havens around the globe.

Nathan Proctor, State Director of Massachusetts Fair Share, testified before the Committee:

“Over the last year, Massachusetts Fair Share has collected more than 7,000 comments and signatures from Massachusetts residents in support of closing a loophole which allows companies to avoid taxes by stashing cash in
