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End Expensive and Dangerous Shell Companies

Most businesses have nothing to hide, but if you do have something to hide, it's easy: You just set up an anonymous shell company -- which in America, requires less personal information than it takes to get a library card.

Since you don't even have to report who owns the company, anonymous shell companies are a favorite tool to hide all sorts of unsavory behaviors, from terrorism and drug cartels to tax dodging.

But now we have a way to fight back. Take action to end anonymous shell companies.

This Sunday on 60 Minutes, shocking undercover footage showed how easy it is to use

Updates on our work on Tax Reform, Hunger and More

34,000 Press Congress on Corporate Tax Loopholes | More than 34,000 Fair Share supporters like you have petitioned Congress to end tax breaks for corporate executives and make the nation’s largest companies pay their fair share of taxes ...

Your Stories Are Showing Congress the Importance of Hunger Programs | We asked Fair Share members to share their stories about why hunger programs work—and they responded ...

Fair Share Education Fund Takes on Childhood Hunger in Suburbs | The updated report, Childhood Hunger in America’s Suburbs: The Changing Geography of Poverty, is helping to changing the way Americans think about poverty ...

Congress: Let these offshore loopholes expire

Why would Congress want to make loopholes that let companies hide their profits overseas permanent --- loopholes that cost us $10 billion per year?

Help us remove tax loopholes from Congress’ holiday shopping list. Fair Share and our allies have just launched a petition which reads:

We, the undersigned, urge Congress to end the loopholes that reward offshore tax haven abuse and reject any attempt to cement them permanently into our already loophole-ridden tax code. Please vote to end the two offshore loopholes in the tax extender package, the CFC Look-through Rule and the Active Financing Exception, which cost us $10 billion per year.

Column: Childhood Hunger: now in a suburb near you

This column was printed in the Glendale Star in Glendale Arizona, and can be found online here

Guest Commentary: Councilmember Jamie Aldama and Chris Destiche, Arizona Fair Share Education Fund

Almost one in every three children in Arizona – an estimated 454,000 – is at risk of food insecurity. For these children, life is a day-to-day challenge. Hunger impedes learning, can lead to depression and anxiety, and is a predictor of chronic illness.

That childhood hunger exists, in America and, particularly, in Arizona, is no surprise.
